I took my first dose of cymbalta last night. Within an hour of swallowing that little blue and white capsule I felt strange. A wave of sleepiness slowly swept over me. I was soon dozing off to la-la land. I woke a few times overnight, conscious of being slightly nauseated, but promptly fell back asleep.
It's 642am. I am awake, tired but awake. I woke up an hour ago. I'm not groggy. I have no pain or stiffness...yet. Slightly queezy. I'm usually not awake until 930am, and then it takes at least two hours to get out of bed. Thank God for my parents and sister! They take care of things until I'm up and moving. I'm going back to sleep.
At 917am I am awoken by a phone call. I don't like being woken up. I'm still drowsy. I lay in bed trying to fall asleep but to no avail. I finally drag myself from bed around 11am. I'm not achy or stiff, just tired. I think I'll take my next dose an hour earlier to see if I can sleep of the drowsiness. I'm weaning off of one pill and weaning onto cymbalta on an evey other day regimen. My next cymbalta dose will be Wednesday evening.
It's noon and I find my self putting some recycling out. This is something that I couldn't even think about yesterday, let alone do. Now that I am taking stock of my accomplishments, I realize that I have corrected the children's work without getting dizzy or nauseous. I made myself a smoothie, something I haven't done in a few weeks. I have been downstairs for over an hour. That's an achievement! I will still need an afternoon nap, but so far so good.