Sunday, January 1, 2017


After an entire year of searching, I believe we have found d the cause of this debilitating illness. I had another set of tests done, as the rheumatologist was not satisfied with the previous set. The lupus tests both came back negative, as did sarcoidosis, but one thing showed up as "reactive". This means that I once had this illness and it has left it's calling card. Actually it's still in me. So, who is this mysterious culprit? Dramatic pause... EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS!

Yes,  about 90%-95% of people in the developed world have had the virus at some point in their lives. It usually shows up as a very bad cold in children or possibly mono in teens. The virus remains dormant in the body henceforth...unless you are very special. I mean, unless you are blessed with a weak immune system. The virus somehow triggers the presentation of chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia symptoms. There is no treatment or cure, other than pain control (Liquid Advil and Cymbalta are my friends), and learning to live with it.

There is definitely a grieving process to go through. I feel like I've done that already. Disappointment and sadness will crop up occasionally, but clinging to God helps me through it. Having more friends and family who are supportive and understanding, than those who are not is a great gift that I treasure.

I am Orthodox. I am chronically ill. It is for my salvation. Glory to God in all things.
I am glad to have an answer, and I am happy to move forward in my new life.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've found an answer! I can't imagine the frustration. I hope you live a happy happy life!
